Thursday, October 1, 2009

A Trip Down Memory Lane

For some reason lately I have been feeling really nostalgic. Since I did not save them correctly on our external hard drive I lost most of my photos when our computer crashed earlier this year. However, these few were survived. I love my friends, and I miss home.

This is my roommate, Alisha, and I at a big university conference in August 2002.
Oh wow. It took guts to post this. Ummm, Kristy I hope you do not mind. This is of Kristy and me when we went to prom our freshmen year in high school. There are so many things wrong with me in this picture, so many in fact I am not sure what was right. However I am just going to plead that I was too young to know better and I am sure that I looked good for 1995.
Hello from the Belton High School Sports Banquet 1998. As a cheerleader I had to go to all of them, even if they had nothing to do with us at all. Really let's be honest, they never had anything to do with the cheerleaders since were not considered athletes. At least it gave us a reason to get a new dress. Miriam and I usually braved these events together since no one wanted us there, even us.
A couple of my childhood best friends are in this photo - Wendy and Erin. I am sure if you look at all of our other FBC Christmas Choir Concert photos we are all within arms reach of each other.
This is at a "Book" Drill competition in Austin. I think I was like in the 4th grade. Once again I was still the shortest one. On the back row is Jami (my older sister), Christy, Aaron, Jennifer, Emily, Erin, Jennifer, and me. I love this picture.

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