Thursday, October 29, 2009

9 Month Photos...the Outakes

As I am sure that all mothers feel about their children, AB is so photogenic. However I really should know better than to try to take her monthly picture when she is near her naptime because it clearly affects her ability to charm the camera. The best time to take a picture for lighting purposes is first thing in the morning, but now that AB is eating breakfast things just take longer in the morning these days. Also, my closest friends and family can testify that I am not a tidy person. I am clean, but not tidy. I want to be tidy; I really really like tidy; I aspire to be tidy, but I lack that ability to maintain tidy. I know there are people who are able to maintain tidy without even thinking about it; I envy them. Anyways, all this to say that I must tidy up my bedroom before taking photos that will hopefully be saved and put in her baby book for all time. Basically I just dump all the untidiness on the floor out of view of the camera, and hope that it does not make it in the background of AB's "action" shots. Strategically arranging piles of clothes does take time.

When I took AB's 9 month pictures, I began just 10 minutes before AB's naptime. I hoped that it would not affect her, but below is evidence that it did. I had to put that bow back on her at least 5 times. She refused to keep it on.

Here you can see that AB is becoming irritated as a result of her delayed nap. I am sure most babies are like this; if AB is cranky she often refuses to keep a bow or hat on. So off came her bow.
I put it back on. Then she pulled it off.
I put that darn thing back on, and...
Opps! She got it again. This is one trick that I wish she would have been a bit delayed in learning.
With the bow firmly back in place, she just yawned and rubbed and rubbed her little eyes. I decided to finally give up. Next time I will put a Red Bull in her breakfast cereal. Lesson learned.

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