Saturday, June 6, 2009

Dirty, Dirty, Dirty City

We live in a dirty third world country.  There is an energy plant on the same block as our apartment (no zoning laws here) that gets it's energy entirely by burning coal as do many other energy consumers here.  300 cars are added to our streets every day, nasty black smoke emitting buses cover our town, and people burn their garbage.  Our city is very polluted.  We can only see the sky on windy days, and AB's nose has black soot in it when I clean it out. The picture below is of our window sill in our bathroom.  The sewage smell backs up into our bathroom everyday, so we open our window to try to let out that smell because it is really really gross.  I cleaned the window sill in the morning, and we took this photo late in the afternoon.  This collection of soot only took half a day to form.

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