Sunday, March 14, 2010

Terrible Horrible Bad Luck with Computers

While living in the US I had a grand total of 2 personal computers. The first computer was given to me by my parents when I went to college. During my senior year our apartment was struck by lightening and my surge protector did not do its duty. Fortunately it only blew out my monitor. I used an old monitor until I bought a Dell laptop when I started graduate school. Neither of these computers gave me problems. Granted, I was wise in how I used them. I never watched downloaded videos, never overloaded them with useless programs, and I certainly never opened suspicious e-mails. In fact, my 7 year old Dell laptop is here with us in Asia. Whenever one or both of our computers fail, it has always stepped in and done its duty. That is right - it is a 7 year old laptop. I think I weights like 15 is like brick.

Since coming to Asia our Mac has crashed twice, and is on its second hard drive. We always had problems with our Mac, from the very first day we used it. I think we had a lemon, but since it got a new hard drive it works beautifully. We are now convinced we like our Mac.

Our piece-o-junk brand new Dell has now crashed twice as well. It will be making a return trip to the US in May to get a new hard drive. The Dell worked fine until that fateful day I tried to watch Family Christmas Vacation on it in December. After an online chat with a Dell customer service rep, it was determined it had crashed. I was angry with my computer, and I refused to work on it until last week (three months later). As soon as I reloaded everything and tried to access the internet, it crashed again. Once again I was angry with the computer and let it set for a week. This morning a Dell rep confirmed it needed a new hard drive. Maybe we will get lucky and it will be better than ever once it is fixed.

What is wrong with us? Are we somehow magnetized and thus ruin all of our computers?Argggg. One thing is for sure, we have learned to back-up everything on a biweekly basis. Thank goodness for external hard drives.

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