Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Getting Our Lights Fixed...Again

Back in October with the help of some of our friends we got 3 new light fixtures in our apartment. We got new ones because they discontinued the previous fixtures and therefore discontinued the light bulbs.

Last week KB and I were playing with AB in her room when we noticed her light was not attached to the ceiling anymore. The next morning it was just hanging by a wire, and would no longer work. We called back the "light guy." Rather than do whatever he did last time (double sided tape), he used two very long screws and screwed it into our cement ceiling.

Like usual. He did not bring a ladder for himself, and was very surprised that someone who lived on the 5th floor of a building that has no elevator, no closets in which to store a ladder, and has a full maintenance staff would not have a ladder, go figure. So he improvised with some things he found around our house. He is standing on a piece of newspaper, on top of a folding stool, on top of a piece of newspaper, on top of one of our dining chairs. Safe? No, but he did remember to shut off the power to the light before he worked on it this time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL! Too funny!