Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Who Ate My Cake?

Two days ago I made a chocolate cake. This cake is a personal favorite of ours. When I was pregnant and struggled to find anything good to eat, this cake always came through for me. It was responsible for the only 10lbs I gained while pregnant in this country, and it was probably responsible for the gestational diabetes I was diagnosed with in Thailand once we arrived there...even though I had only gained 10lbs.

Anyways, yesterday after lunch KB brought the cake from the kitchen joking that I had already started eating my last piece. I did not know what he was talking about. However once he sat the cake in front of me I saw that a little slice had been cut from the cake. KB and I am are scrupulous about having equality in our cake size, so this was not a light matter. I know I did not sneak the slice of cake, and I believe KB when he insisted he did not eat it either. That leaves two other possibilities - either our helper, Ms. Ge, ate the small slice of cake, or our cook, Ms. Song, ate the slice of cake. I tend to believe it was Ms. Song since she has shown an interest in our food before, but why all the secrecy? I would make her a whole cake if she wanted it. Personally I think it is kind of funny. Cake thief.


Anonymous said...

I know! it was Toby!

TJPPPSmith said...

I did not know that you had diabetes...I knew you had iron issues as well as your high cholesterol. Bad sister...