Sunday, January 31, 2010


Have you ever heard of the Pioneer Woman? She has a cookbook and blog full of non low-fat foods. Last week I decided to make her potato and leek pizza, inspired to do so mainly because I found Hormel bacon at the supermarket...which was an event in and of itself. I had to contain myself when I saw the bacon because people were already watching me as usual, and I did not want them talking about how the crazy foreigner got excited when she saw bacon. Aside from our brief Christmas trip home, I have not seen anything "Hormel" in 2.5 years. It is amazing how comforting something familiar as a name brand can be...even if I refused to ever eat bacon when I was in the U.S.

Somehow I forgot to actually buy potatoes, but no worries. Our supermarket has also started to stock frozen french fries. We do not actually eat french fries, but I was so excited to see frozen veggies that I bought them anyways. So technically this is a french fry and leek pizza. It was pretty good - a nice variation from our usual homemade pizzas. I think it would be better if I had the different cheeses called for in the recipe, but we are doing good in our corner of Asia if we can locate something other than processed cheese at all. Fortunately for us we can get mozzarella.

Here was our colorful pizza.

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