Thursday, September 24, 2009

More Hong Kong

While at the airport I could not resist going into the Disney store. Thank goodness AB does not know to want this stuff yet, but it is so cute. KB had to constantly tell me that we cannot get everything we see, and that it is ridiculous to buy pink mouse ears with a bow that cost more than AB's Infant airline ticket. Someone at the Hong Kong Airport Disney Store is going to find some ears with dried saliva and teeth marks on the tag. Oops.

By the way, my kid looks nothing like me! When KB is not with me, I always think people believe I kidnapped or adopted her. The "people" I am talking about are not the natives of this country. The nationals here would think I was sisters with Madonna if we were standing side by side; they think all white people look the same. So far the only resemblance we have is our strange hair growth pattern (both of us have hair that swirls around the crown of our is a constant struggle to hide mine), same eye shape (they are KB's eyeballs though), eye lashes, and skin color. People comment on our matching skin color often. I think that is the only thing they can find similar between us, so they go for it.
Starbucks. Yum. Sigh....
This is at the Mid Levels in Hong Kong on Hong Kong Island. It is an area of Hong Kong that goes up the base of a mountain. To help people on foot with making it to the business and homes in that area, Hong Kong put in the longest system of escalators in the world. It really is handy. Unfortunately we did not know about it on our first day here, and walked up the street parallel to the escalators. Boy did we feel silly when we came across them after sweating so much.

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