Saturday, September 5, 2009

AB's Friend

This is so sad, AB has never gotten to play with another baby before. She got to hang out with her friend Ava just after they were both born (they were born one day apart), but when you are under a month old not much socialization is going on.

When we take AB outside all the other kids just stare at her. They do not want to play. We blame this primarily on their parents since the second we step out of our apartment they point at us and say "foreigner." I think this teaches their children that we are more like objects than people, and unfortunately AB suffers because of it. Sometimes city buses will pull over and honk at us just so that they can get us to look at them. It is especially hard because I am noticing that she is now taking an interest in other kids, but like I said, no one wants to play with her.

However just after arriving here almost two years ago, we made friends with a newlywed couple. Soon after meeting them they became pregnant, and about a month after them we became pregnant. Because of traditions here, we could not see him until he was about 3 months old. Then he got sick, and then they went to her mother's house for a couple of months. Thursday was the first day AB and Evan were able to get together. I think we, the parents, were more excited than they were. Nevertheless it was precious. I would like to insert a dialogue that the kids could possibly have had.

By the way, this little boy (if you can't already tell by his split bottom pants) is huge! He weighs at least twice that of AB.

Evan: Mommy who is this white, skinny, blue eyed, red headed baby? I have never seen one like her before.
AB: Oh my, oh my. This kid is huge!
Evan: Mom what exactly are you wanting me to do?
AB: Mom what exactly are you wanting me to do, and why can I see his thingy?
Evan: She is touching me!
AB: I love your outfit. Where can I get one of those?
Evan: I am coming to get you!
AB: I think he is coming to get me.
Evan: We look nothing alike.
AB: We look nothing alike.

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