Friday, February 17, 2012

The Park

You see this park? We went there while in Thailand. We were so confused. Where are all the people? We have apparently lived in a very crowded part of Asia so long that it confuses us when we visit places void of people. Once we got over the weirdness, it became very relaxing.
By the way, it is a Lions club park. Who knew the Lions club was in Thailand?

AB jumped right into a swing so excited to not have to wait in a 10 minute line for a 2 minute turn. This was DB's first time on a swing. We were a bit concerned since AB's first time on a swing was when she was about DB's age, and she just held her breath and then screamed like she was falling. DB absolutely loved it. In fact, he fell a sleep on it.

One of the most handy gadgets on this trip was KB's belt. Most restaurants did not had high chairs, so we often grabbed bar stools and strapped DB in with KB's belt. It was always a sight to see him taking it off in the middle of a restaurant. Anyways, here it once again served as a strap, holding DB to his swing.

Funny moment of the day. While in Thailand, both of our kids had runny noses. It must of have been allergies since it started as soon as we got to Thailand, and stopped as soon as we returned home.

While at the park, apparently (apparently because we did not see it) AB face planted in the sand, and since sand likes to stick to moisture, this is where the sand stuck. Also, apparently her mouth was open when she fell because she was spat sand for quite a while. Is it bad to laugh at your kid's expense? Maybe, but it was really funny.

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