Wednesday, February 15, 2012

AB's Birthday

So AB turned 3 last more than a month ago. We had a little party for her that included her foreign and nationals friends. It was a nice little one hour thing that included cake, balloons, some fun singing, and a rousing game of find the pieces of the flower and put if back together - they thought it was fun (I think).

I forgot to take a picture of her cake. It did not turn out how I planned, but in the end it was not as ugly as I predicted it would be while I was in the process of decorating it. Let's just say I did not foresee very yellowness of our butter effecting the color of frosting as much as it did - it was supposed to be a very bright purple, not brownish purple. Whatever, it tasted good.

This little (big) guy was in attendance, but not in any other pictures.

So were these two. DB napped during the party.
The next day was her actual birthday, so that morning she got to open some gifts.
I did not manage to get a better picture of it, but this doll was made by her Loli.

After we got dressed, AB and I headed over to a mall where I let her pick out a dress for the first time. She got a cute one I must say. Then I let her pick out which flavor and toppings (strawberry ice cream with graham crackers, strawberries, and bananas) she wanted for a little birthday treat at Cold Stone. Afterwards we came home to her favorite lunch of carrot and egg dumplings. Life could not get much better for the girl on her first birthday overseas - that is unless you can throw in a couple sets of grandparents for the day : )

She is a girl after my own heart.

DB enjoying one of his favorite activities - helping daddy push around the empty water jug.

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