Thursday, February 23, 2012

More Thailand Pictures

Most days of the week I exercise during the kid's afternoon nap time. However today I allowed myself to think too long about how I did not feel like doing it today, and well, here I am doing a blog post in the middle of the afternoon when I should be halfheartedly sweating it out of my elliptical. Whatever, I still have two more days this week to make my quota.

One of the reasons I do not feel like working out is the consistent lack of sleep I have been getting because I just discovered The Hunger Games trilogy. When I find a book I like, I get a bit obsessive about finishing it. I do not like suspense, and I just want to get to the end to find out what in the world happened. Also, since I am reading these books and then trying to sleep, I end up dreaming about them and wake up in a frantic state of panic (if you have read them you will understand why). Last night I even dreamed I was Katniss and KB was Peeta during book number one. More than once KB has had to stop me from frantically leaving our room in search of our kids...while I am dead a sleep. I sleep walk and talk - imagine my husband's surprise when he found this out the week after we got married. Apparently I did not know about it, so he had no warning when I started walking around our house, looking for things while dead a sleep. Freaked him out.

Anyways, below are some fun pics from Thailand.

These first two are from when I took AB to get her nails done. I told her if she pooed in the potty I would take her to get her nails done. She finally did and there she is getting them manicured. She had a little trouble staying still, and the little flowers they painted on her nails were gone by the next day, but she still talks about it.

Here we are at a restaurant we ate at probably 5-6 times while in Thailand. It is called Salad Concept and it was awesome! KB and I love salad, and we love it even more when we do not have to wash all that lettuce and prepare all those toppings. It was perfect for us.

No bathtub in the guesthouse. So I sat him in the floor. Sprayed him down. Soaped him down, and rinsed it off. Like most things with DB, he was not a fan at first, but in the end it was one of the day's highlights.

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