Monday, July 18, 2011


Well, he is actually being propped up, but for his ego we will go ahead and say he is standing up. Here big sis is trying to help him, and she has learned the best way to get in a picture is to cuddle up next to her baby brother. She will often go lay or sit next to him and say "take a picture?"
DB's priorities are clearly not on taking a picture, he wants to look at his mommy. Melt my heart!
Over the past couple of weeks, AB has become very interactive with DB. She brings him toys and even tries to turn him over when he is on his tummy. Yesterday I realized she had dragged him across the floor. He is able to rotate his body in circles, but he certainly cannot move 4 feet from where I laid him.
See that cord behind me? It the power cord to our air conditioner. It looks so tacky and safe hanging down like that. We are trying to think of a creative way to fix it.
Yeah!!! He did it! For all of you parents with young kids out there, I am specifically sining the Dora song "We Did It!" in my is so lame and addictive.

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