Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Air Conditioner Repairman

So our air conditioner was on the fritz this past week. Water was dripping from the inside unit. It being the hot time of the year and all, it took about 5 days for a repair man to make it to our apartment. I was the only one home when our air conditioner was repaired in our old apartment, so I knew what to expect. This was KB's first experience. They did all the work on the inside unit then went into our bedroom (that is lovely pink flower wall paper on our walls folks) tied one end of a rope around one guy and tied the other end around the other guy. Then the daredevil climbed out of our window! We live on 4th floor, but it is technically the 8th floor since all apartment units are actually 2 floors.

Gosh. Does this look like a guy who is ready to save his buddy's life? The daredevil said he never gets scared.
The daredevil ended up hanging out our window a total of 3 times. The second time his buddy just held onto his leg, but the third time KB got in on the action.

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