Thursday, January 20, 2011

How Do You Know?

So, other than the really obvious signs, i.e. the water breaking, how do you really know when you are in labor? I have been having Braxton Hicks contractions since I was about 20 weeks along. My Braxton Hicks contractions feel a lot like the real ones. They start in the back, radiate to the front, I get all tight and menstural like, and they last for a minute at a time. Also, they hurt so bad sometimes I cannot talk. At times I have had them consistently 6 minutes apart for 4-5 hours at a time. I absolutely do not trust myself to know when I am truly in labor. I will have to be in serrious pain before I ever conceed to actually being in labor. I keep praying that my water will break because I could be in true labor and think it is just another instance of consistent, hard Braxton Hicks contractions. I am going to end up being one of those women who give birth at home.
With AB, I had this same problem. However, because my iron was so low (I was at a 7) they did not want to risk me going into labor from the Braxton Hicks contractions and had me on medication to stop them. Then I took a monster amount of iron for 2 weeks in order to get it up to 11. Also, to monitor my iron, I visited my doctor everyday the week of my due date. Then, at one of my visits she told me I was in labor. This was great. I certainly would not have thought I was in labor, just more decietful contractions.
What makes this even more interesting is that my body is as close to being in labor that anyone can be, without actually being in labor. I know, my doctor told me so today. I am right there, just hanging on but not quite in labor. As he was walking out he told me that his wife was dialated to a 4 for 2 weeks. All I could say was "oh my." He saw my face and tried to reassure me he did not think I would hang on that long.


The Maybin's said...

praying for you! cannot wait to see pics and hear his name!!

SarahJ said...

So sorry! That does NOT sound fun! I never really had many Braxton-Hicks so I was pretty aware when I was in labor. Maybe you'll know when the baby crowns? : )

C.C. Spry said...

It is so wonderful to catch up on your blog and see how well you are doing. Your little one is just precious!!!!! What a happy family!

I am friends with your dad on facebook and love to see the pictures!

Glad you are doing so well. Stay in touch!