Wednesday, May 5, 2010

There is "Bad Luck" and Just Plain "Stupid"

Unfortunately both KB and I fell into the "stupid" category this week. By my definition we have bad luck when it comes to computers. No one can tell us why our computers keep crashing, and they always tell us that "these things just happen" and it seems that "these things" happen to us a lot. But this week it was ALL our fault.

On Monday we had to go buy my third cell phone since we came here. The first one I left in a taxi in Bangkok. I called it about 5 minutes after I realized this, but whoever found it had apparently taken it apart and was probably already selling it on the street corner. My second cell phone almost met its fate once before when I dropped it into a bowl of water while washing out AB's cup, but it was saved by quick action and a bowl of dry rice. I finally killed it this weekend when I left it on our bathroom counter that spontaneously fills up with water (we truly do not know where the water comes from). When I sat my phone down the counter was dry, and it was pooling with water when I can back an hour later. Nothing could save my phone this time. Even the screen had water in it. On a bright note, I got a super cool pink phone this time!

KB finally had his stupid turn yesterday. He plugged in our wireless internet router that runs on 110 volts (that can only be bought in the US, thanks KB) into the outlet...not the converter. He said to me "Hey do you hear that popping noise and see the smoke? Where is it coming from?" That would be the sound of the inside of our router being cooked to death by 220 volts of electricity. Looks like we will be using internet the old fashioned way until we can get another new router. Yea.

I could not get mad at KB for his stupid moment. He was such a good sport when I told him about my cell phone, and he even let me get the super cool pink one.

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