Saturday, May 22, 2010


We lived in this city for two full years before we found out we can have fresh milk delivered daily to our apartment. It was not laziness that kept us from finding out. We really tried, but everyone we asked said fresh milk was not available in our city. For two years we drank shelf milk.

Shelf milk is basically just what it sounds like. It is milk in a little juice box type carton that sits on a shelf until someone buys it. I think they are good for up to 2 years. Although they do the job when it comes to cooking, if you want to use milk for cereal or drink with cookies, shelf milk is not the milk you want to have available. We were milk deprived. In fact, when we went to Thailand the very first time after arriving here, KB gain like 10 pounds from drinking so much fresh whole milk.

Earlier this year we found out that our city does in fact have fresh milk, but you cannot buy it in the store. We found a friend, who found a milk man, who puts 5 bags of fresh milk in a little "milk box" outside of our first floor door every morning at 8am. This has been wonderful. Not only do I feel better giving AB milk that actually expires in the amount of time milk normally should expire, I do not have to go to the store to buy it. KB really enjoys using it with his cereal.

On a side note. I have recently learned how to make ricotta cheese from whole milk. It is super easy, and we are now able to eat a decent Italian meal again.

To add to our wonderful milk experience, we love our milkman. He is quite possibly one of the sweetest and hardworking men we have met in this whole country. Unfortunately he only speaks dialect, so our communications are a bit strained, but we are convinced whatever he says to us is probably really nice anyways.

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