Sunday, April 1, 2012

Reading Together

Recently KB went out of town for what I think was the longest stretch of time we have been apart in 6 years.  It was during this time I severely lamented not having a car of some sort because getting out in the freezing weather to wait for a taxi that might never come seemed to take the wind out of my aspirations to be adventurous while KB was gone. 

So we stayed home almost the entire week, but thankfully the lure of seeing friends coaxed us out of the apartment a couple of times.  What did we do at home by ourselves for an entire week?  We mainly read books, took lots of bubble baths, played hide and seek, ate, played with Play Dough, put together puzzles, worked on pooing in the potty and many other exciting things.  When the kids went to bed, mommy stared at the wall while soaking in the bathtub until the water became cold.  I eventually started re-reading the Hunger Games. 

During the time KB was gone, the city shut off the heat that warms most people's homes 5 months out of the year.  It took a couple of days for the warmth to completely leave our home, but once it was gone it was apparent.  I let the kids stay in their fleece PJ's for the entire day the first few days.  We also somehow continually found ways to do activities while under blankets. 

One such day AB and DB had a rare moment cooperation and were happy to be near each other for more than a few seconds at a time (AB does not like to be crowded by anybody, and DB does not like AB messing with him - so she then really likes to mess with him).  AB has started to notice that many of her books come in sets, so she likes to get all the books out that are in one set.  She and DB spent about 10 minutes looking through the books together. 

In this first pic it is apparent that AB is still waking up from her recent nap.

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