Tuesday, December 6, 2011

We Paid for This?

Since our new apartment is without a bathtub and we have kids, it is necessary to for us to get one. I am sure DB is anxious to get into a tub and out of the kitche sink. Also, AB has a fear of falling down and of the hot water in the shower and it frequently results in a meltdown during shower time.

Two weeks before we moved into our new apartment we ordered a bathtub. It is simple but big enough for us to sit in without having to bend our legs. Like I have metioned earlier, doing rennovations here is slightly more complicated. WE are the contractors and finding someone to do the individual jobs is both challening and risky. So far we have been pretty lucky, but our luck apparently ran out with the bathtub guy. While I was in the capital with DB, KB and AB were at home while the "bathroom" guy "installed" our bathtub. His only job was to prop the tub up on some bricks, cement the bricks in place and build a tile wall around it. Really, we could do this except I figured an expert would be better at it. We were wrong...I absolutely in all serriousness think I could have done a better job than this guy. On the positive side, KB said he was a really nice guy.

Anyhoo. Now we have to pay another guy to come and smash up this wall and build another one. Our bathroom has been this way for about 2 weeks, but it will be worth the wait once we get it done right. Fortunately we have another bathroom to take showers in. It is not exactly a kid friendly bathroom, but right now we are happy to have 2 bathrooms or we would be in trouble.

We have heard a new bathroom guy is coming tomorrow and I have heard good things about him. I am hopeful that this time next week we will be able to take nice warm baths in our lovely new tub.

I really think these pictures give a good dipiction of what I saw when I first walked in our bathroom after returning from the capital. Most homes in this country have exposed water pipes in the bathroom. They are quite ugly, but very practical. It allows for cheap and relatively easy rennovations.

It is like the hill-billies of bathtubs. It is missing one of its front teeth.

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