Wednesday, December 14, 2011


I do not like pacifiers. They just seem like one other thing we will have to break the babies of at some point. Fortunately AB never cared for one and was able to self soothe quite easily. However DB loves it and cannot seem to get enough of it. When we are at home his pacifier is reserved for crib time only, but recently he has learned he can fish it out of his crib while playing in his room. To keep it from falling out of the crib I chained it to his elephant, so he cannot take it when him. If I do not take it from him, he will sit by his bed in order to keep it in his mouth for the enture duration of playtime. He is usually quite upset with me when I move it out of his reach, but in the long run I think it is best.


Brandon and April said...

I can tell you are using your new camera on these! :) The lighting on the first pic is fabulous!

Uncle Mark said...

...says the thumb sucker until the age of 5, who somehow never needed braces like her brother and sister...

The Maybin's said...

Both my boys loved their paci...but yes, in the bed only. We broke that habit with a quick snip...then it wasn't my fault for "breaking it! :) Merry Christmas Leslie!

Andi said...

great photos--they made me laugh! I feel your pain on the pacifier debate. Kelly and Matt were 2 and 4 when I finally took them away. I was a coward so we blamed it on the "noo-noo fairy" who came at night and stole all the noo-noo's and left big kid toys in their place.