Sunday, December 26, 2010

Breakfast With Santa

A couple weeks ago when KB graduated, we stayed the weekend in Arlington to hang out with our Lake Arlington friends. My how things have changed in three and a half years! We all have kids. The place is crawling with kids!

Anyways, as people with kids do, we try to find ways to entertain our kids and enjoy seeing them have fun. The weekend we were in Arlington a "Breakfast With Santa" was held, and of course we went...because what parent could pass it up?!!!

Last year AB's first meeting with Santa did not go so well, so we hoped, but did not expect great acceptance on her part this year. The day started out well. AB slept in, she played with our friend's son, and we all went to the breakfast. However, as soon as we walked in the building, we heard Santa walking down our hall. The first thing AB heard was a bellowing, "HO HO HO MERRY CHRISTMAS!" Yeah she freaked out, totally scared. Santa came around the corner, and AB stuck her head in between my legs. Her second meeting with Santa was not promising. We made it into the fellowship hall, ate breakfast, caught up with our friends, but the inevitable moment of meeting Santa was fast approaching.

The area where Santa sat was decorated like the North Pole. Here AB was very involved with greeting the polar bear. As far as she was concerned, this was the highlight of the North Pole, but mommy really wanted that picture with Santa...
So mommy, daddy and AB waited in line, but when AB's turn finally arrived, she was not thrilled. If you want to know what she is saying throughout this who ordeal, it is "MOMMY!" Also, here are some lovely profile belly shots a couple of you have been asking about.
I am trying to get her to look at the camera, but clearly she is beyond listening by this point.

Finally AB is safe from the scary man in the red coat and white beard. Good grief. It was so traumatic.

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