Monday, December 13, 2010

Proud Wife

Six and a half years ago, as 23 year olds, KB and I met as graduate students in Fort Worth. He had already completed a semester and I was just starting out. We looked about like this -

About a month into our relationship we attended a wedding that my mom and brother also attended. While at the reception, just as KB reached over to get my attention (touching my leg), my mom snapped this photo and sent it out for all the rest of my family to see. I never even held hands with guys in front of my parents and this was the first glimpse my dad had of KB. They knew it either had to be love or I had lost my mind.

About 7 months after we started dating, one chilly January afternoon KB asked me to marry him. It was well thought out, and I almost ruined it by going shopping instead of making it to lunch on time. My frozen friend Shelley hid in the bushes for hours waiting for us to get there. She took all of our pictures that day.

We were engaged for 4 months and did all of the necessary engagement stuff - like taking engagement pictures.

Then we got married! We met, dated, became engaged and were married in less than a year. It really did not feel that fast, and when you know you know right?

Anyways, to my point. We were married in May 2005. KB finished the coursework for his graduate degree in December 2005. He was also required to complete 2 years of on the field training. However, I was only a year into my 3 year graduate degree when we married. He waited the 2 additional years for me to graduate...

...then we moved overseas. Two years into our time overseas he officially fulfilled the requirements of is graduate degree, and this past Friday he was finally able to graduate...5 full years after he finished all of his coursework and 3 and a half years after I graduated. Patience for sure.

It is official, my husband has finally graduated from graduate school! Congrats babe.

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