Monday, September 6, 2010

Little bit of this and a little bit of that...

Most foreigners who live overseas find it quite necessary to have a helper. Our apartments get dirty faster, we often go to the store (most produce spoils in 2 days), food preparation is more complicated, and the biggie washing all those dishes that get dirty from the complicated food preparations. Before AB we did everything ourselves, and on average between KB and myself we spent about 4-6 hours a day cleaning or going to the store. On top of that we were in language school for 4 hours each day. That did not leave much time for our other goal in life. After AB we realized we needed a helper.

The first lady was awesome. However, she lived a 10 minute taxi ride away, but did not want to take a taxi and therefore rode her bike. After one week she said it was too far and quit. Eventually we got another helper, Ms. Ge, through an agency. She was not great, but she was sufficient. In March after working for us for almost a year, Ms. Ge took two weeks paid vacation (that she did not ask for) and then two weeks later said she injured her back was in the hospital for 2 weeks then quit. However, while she was "in the hospital," she was well enough to climb up our four flights of stairs to get her wages. We did not say anything, but it seemed fishy with her injured back and all.

Thankfully Karen, who was already watching AB during our language classes, took over the cleaning of our apartment. After about 3 months she said it was too hot to ride her bike to our apartment. I offered to pay for her taxis and she said she did not like taxis. What confuses me is that she would have to ride her bike to any job she has, so....uhhh, I think she was fibbing. However, she was our friend, and I think she was pulling one of those cultural things called "saving face," (she had some reason for quitting that she did not want to tell us, so she gave us a more "acceptable" reason, very common) so we let the inconsistencies go. Since leaving us in June she has had 2 different jobs, so I do not think it has much to do with us.

Our fourth helper was temporary and we knew it. She was great and we just tried to enjoy every moment she worked for us. Our fifth helper is a senior in college. When colleges are overcrowded here, they tend to tell the seniors to not attend class their senior year, do independent study, and then come for graduation. Our local university just spent every dime they have on building a new campus and cannot even afford to pay their teachers, so yes, all the seniors are doing "independent study" by working on their parent's farms, bagging groceries, or in Alice's case, she is the helper to a desperate foreign family.

Alice is ridiculously sweet and she does not complain about having to clean up the Toby poop. Because she is a senior and has nothing else to do, she said she can work for us until we leave in mid October, and this makes us very happy. In addition to her regular wages, we pay for her bus fare to our apartment and for her lunch, which she purchases a the supermarket across the street. One day I was eating lunch when she came back from the store with her lunch. I asked what she bought and she said, "fried silk worms." I know the people of this country like to eat fried silk worms, but I choose not to partake in them. This decision was further enforced when I got a nice whiff of the fried silk worms. Let's just say, I made an excuse about having a headache (which fortunately I did) and made swift retreat to our bedroom until every last one of those worms were consumed. I may be in my 2nd trimester, but my annoying gag reflex to unusual smells (i.e. unsavory to me) is not quite in check. Nevertheless, we love Alice, and AB calls her Alish.

KB took a picture for your enjoyment.

1 comment:

Bailey said...

yumm... Looks delicious. :/