Tuesday, August 24, 2010


A few weeks ago one of our neighbors drove into our garage door. Poor guy. He really is a nice guy and speaks slowly and clearly for us - not louder like so many other people do. Since he drove into the foreigner's garage door, more than 20 people gathered around to watch him as he called us to come down and see what he had done. They stood looking at our doors for 2 hours. At one point KB even looked out of our balcony 3 hours after the incident and a few people were still looking at it. I guess it is more entertaining than TV on a Friday night?

Since we do not actually use our garage to park a car in, raising and lowering our garage door on a daily basis is not that necessary to us. We can actually access our garage from an inside door on the bottom floor of our apartment building, so the fact that it took 2 weeks to get our door fixed did not bother us. Just as long as it was closed and locked. Also, most of the junk in our garage is not even our junk. It belongs to some friends. Let's just say, if someone needed to fully stock a mostly empty apartment, we have what they need. Then when they leave, we just put it back in our garage.

KB took these pictures when he realized how the repair man was plugging in his power tools. He just stuck stripped wires into the holes of the outlet. How do more people not get electrocuted in this country, and what do they have against using plugs? Anyways, he survived and our doors are the whitest doors in the apartment complex.

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