Thursday, June 24, 2010

Small Steps to Victory

Today when AB was holding on to the end table and making that "poo face," I asked her, "are you pooping?" She nodded her head yes. I was so proud!

I ask her this every time I catch her in the act. She is 17 months old, and I have heard that big transitions (i.e. going back to the U.S.) can really mess up potty training, so I am going to wait until we are in the U.S. in less than 4 months to begin officially potty training. Still I am encouraged that she is aware of the poops. Way to go AB!

Also since I am pregnant, changing her diapers now presents a new challenge because of my tendency to gag at bad smells. So, I am also looking forward to not gagging every time she has a poo and I have to change it.

1 comment:

619 Barnett Blvd. said...

Leslie- I have just finished doing potty training and we used it was awesome and RG was potty trained in 3 days. Just in casr you want to do it and get it over with. We loved it and all the girls in our SS class have do it as well using this and every kid was done in 3 days. Just a thought. You can email me if you want to know more!!!
BTW- are yall moving home for good??