Friday, June 4, 2010

My Birthday Party

I am still playing catch-up.
In April KB gave me a "Princess" birthday party, KB's idea. Everyone coming to our party was instructed to wear either pink or blue - you know, princess colors. As usual AB cooperated when we tried to take a family picture. By the way, I am wearing the pink dress that KB gave me for my birthday last year. He is irresistibly cute when he plans and goes all out for my girlie birthday parties.
There was a bit of confusion on the birthday cake, and I ended up with two cakes. I made one and KB made the other. The one I made was supposed to be a red velvet cake...but I did not have enough red food coloring. My mom warned me that other colors always end up looking a bit like dirt, but I apparently needed to learn the lesson on my own. I used green and blue. Also, the only cream cheese available in our city is unfortunately a very very bad substitution for real cream cheese. Let's just say that KB's cake was more popular than my (truly) nasty blue/green velvet cake with faux horrid tasting cream cheese icing.
She still ate it. She likes all things sweet.
After AB went to bed we played a rousing game of target shooting with air guns. I am proud to say that I kept my crown as the best air gun target shooter among KB and our friends.

1 comment:

Charis said...

Hi Leslie! I'm not sure if you remember me from UMHB or not..but I wanted to say hi. I saw your comment on the Skaggs blog and clicked over. My husband and I are living on the same side of the world as you. I just wanted to say hi and let you know that you have a new reader. :)
Hope you are doing really well.
~Charis (Adams) Lau