Monday, June 21, 2010

I Wish I Had a Hamburger

Recently whenever I thought of food, all I can think about is a hamburger - not a McDonald's hamburger, which is all we can get here, but a thick juicy handmade hamburger with cheese, dill pickles, lettuce, tomatoes, mustard, and tiny slivers of onions. Yum. Of course if I made one myself I would have to make my own buns and pickles, however it would be totally worth it...but I cannot even get decent ground beef here to make my own hamburger, ugh. The ground beef tends to be used for, well I am not sure what they use their ground beef for, but it is certainly not destined to be a hamburger. It has grisly, crunchy parts in it, like they just dropped an entire portion of the cow into the grinder. I have been craving a hamburger so bad lately that I have been unable to sleep for my growling tummy and attacking thoughts of a hamburger. While I am trying to fall a sleep, sometimes KB even has to rub my hand to distract me from my hamburger thoughts. It seems nothing else will satisfy me. All other food is just a Bandaid on a wound...sigh.

Why am I having these attacking hamburger thoughts you might wonder? Because just like last time, all my baby wants is beef : )

So to all of you who have not be told yet by one of my family members, we are expecting baby # 2 in January 2011. Obviously we are really excited about this. I am a little over 8 weeks along, and I will deliver in Temple, Texas in the wonderful U.S.A. - no need to translate a birth certificate this time! I really am surprised I held this in for as long as I have. I understand why, but I am amazed that some women keep the secret their entire first trimester. I am an excellent secret keeper when it has nothing to do with me, but I cannot seem to manage to keep any of my own secrets.

Anyways, we have already gotten to see the tiny little heartbeat...well the technician told me there was a heartbeat. I did not actually see it. Sonograms here are purely functional, not meant for the parent's to cherish. If my icky feelings and constant hunger but having nothing to eat status were not confirmation enough, my stomach is already sticking out. Hello, my neighbors have even noticed and told me my face looks thin, but my stomach is a little fat. I can always count on them for honesty.


Sarah J said...

We had no idea!! Congrats!

Miriam said...

Squeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! (Again).

Terra said...

I am so happy for you guys! I'll be praying for you!

The Maybin's said...

yaaaahhhooooo! so happy for you girl. see you in the usa SOON!!

Andi said...

Are you getting enough iron? Sometimes people crave red meat when they're anemic. Drink OJ with your iron to help with absorption :) I'm sure you know this, I'm just reinforcing.