Saturday, January 10, 2009

Waiting at the hospital...After the epidural

We love the epidural!  Although LB had thought about trying to do labor naturally, she was relieved when her doctor told her because of her heart condition that she needed an epidural.  That took the pressure away from her feeling like she ought to tough it out.  She probably would have changed her mind after she realized she had back labor.

KB was kind enough to tell LB that she looked a bit washed out.  She had asked him to tell her when she is looking sickly.  Knowing that she would be in a lot of photos, she added a bit of color to her cheeks.  She did not want the nurses to see her though.  She was embarrassed that others might think she is vain.  Besides she had a few hours to kill.
KB getting ready for the appearance of AB!

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