Sunday, May 13, 2012

Getting Older

I added a 1 to my 30 a few weeks ago.  Dash decided to forgo giving me a drawing on paper and created artwork on his face instead.  He was so proud.
My friend and her helper made me a yummy cake and were gracious enough to only include characters that I can read.  
These guys were pretty excited about the cake.  Too bad AB did not eat all of her dinner and was only able to watch us eat our cake.  Seeing that this happens often, I would say she did not learn her lesson.
Fun Fact: There are some crazy candles here in our country.  I few years ago I was given a miniature Roman Candle that I thought was just a fancy, slightly scary, looking candle.  I lit it and it surprised me - here is the video 2009 Birthday Candle. This year our friends attempted to find another flame throwing candle, but alas they had to settle for a candle that plays "happy birthday" over and over again and the candle below which had colorful flames.  I still thought they were cool.
 A few days later KB and AB made me this cake together.  It too was yummy. 

1 comment:

Mark said...

Oh happy cake! We all know how much LB loves her cake.