Friday, March 25, 2011

Few Pics from the US

We attended a family fun night at our church. They played the movie "Up" and served goodies for the kids. I think AB liked the movie, but I am certain she enjoyed the treats even more.
My little motor mouth is talking away while she and her friend Madeline enjoy the movie.
It was my plan all along to get some new jeans before we left the US. Of couse I could not try anything on before DB was born, so while he was just a few weeks old he began to take trips with me while I tried to find jeans. I just tried to make him comfortable, and he seemed to like shopping with me everywhere we went, except for Old Navy. I do not know why, but he cried everytime we went there. Below is a picture of him napping at the Gap.
DB is just a newbie here. He still is a bit yellow from his jaundice. These are his two girl cousins. Paige is 4 and Presley is about 8 months old.
I like DB's expression in this one.

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