Thursday, April 8, 2010

So Scary

I heard kids often copy their parents, but I never really thought it would come so soon. Yesterday AB snatched the DVD remote off of the couch, pointed it at the TV and started pressing buttons. Before I knew it, she had started up Beauty and the Beast (Beauty and the Beast is one of my favorite movies. I wanted to be Belle). I was so proud of her that I turned on the TV so we could watch it together. She sat in my lap, eyes glued to the TV for a full 20 minutes. I do not think she has been that still while awake since before she learned to roll over. I felt so guilty afterwards though.

I am not certain how she picked up the TV remote thing so fast. The ONLY time the TV is on while is awake is when company is over and we really need her to play quietly. Also the ONLY thing she has ever watched is Cars, Beauty and the Beast, and yesterday evening she might have seen a little bit of New Moon - that is all I promise. I remember my child development classes, and remember what they told us about
hard wiring your kids with a short attention span with TV.

Back to the copying thing. Wow. It really has shaken me into shape. No more telling the dog to "
shut up" when he barks. I cannot say things are "soooo stupid" anymore, and being critical of my body has got to stop. I want her to be a woman of God, and I refuse to make things more difficult for her by not trying harder to be one myself.

1 comment:

Courtney said...

I'm going to try to keep our baby girl from the TV as well. I've been convinced by the same child development classes :) Isn't it strange, the avenues that are used to hold us accountable and grow!