Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Some people have asked if they can send us anything for the upcoming holidays or for the baby.  We are leaving our city on December 2nd and we will not return until mid-late February.  So, if you happen to have our address and intend to send us anything, it will need to be in the mail to us no later than this coming Friday, November 7th.  Otherwise it may not make it here before we leave, and then you will have wasted a lot of money in shipping since it will probably come back to you.  

Also, if you want to get anything for our baby girl, the most practical thing you can give us is money.  We are not buying anything for our baby in this city because they do things like use lead paint on baby's toys and add scary things to perfectly fine food and other goods.  Fortunately for us we are delivering in Bangkok there is a Babies R'Us in Bangkok.  We have no way of knowing if they stock the same items in Thailand as they do in the States, but we are counting on it and planning on buying everything down there.  It is not practical for us to buy or receive baby items here in our city since we will have to take it to Thailand an bring it back here.  Unless you want to get her something for later in life, money is the best thing for us.  Also, we cannot use gift cards since they do not work internationally.  Lastly, if you are determined to get her something, we have registered a Babies R 'Us for things that we cannot get here and would be useful to have.  Please just remember to include international shipping costs when you give it to someone who has our address.  

Thanks so much for thinking about us. We really appreciate it. 

Thanks so much, K & L

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