Thursday, November 27, 2008


Thanksgiving! We celebrated the holiday with one other American. This was our Thanksgiving meal, complete with green bean casserole dressing, stuffing, sweet potatoes, rolls, and the always delicious baked chicken. For dessert we ate pumpkin pie. We forgot to take pictures of ourselves. LB did a good job preparing everything. She can really cook some good food. I am so THANKful to be married to her. 

We started eating at 1:30. At 3:00 we watched a movie. At 4:00 a national friend came over so we turned off the movie. At 5:00 the apartment people came to look at a water leak. At 6:00 our national friend left. At 6:30 we finished the movie. At 7:00 our American friend left. At 9:00 LB was asleep. 
It was a good day. 

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