Friday, November 5, 2010


I mentioned a few weeks ago that we will be moving immediately after we return to Asia in March. Before leaving we managed to pack about 60% of our apartment. It got a bit crowded and a lot messy. I began to have a deep respect for professional movers because I do not know how they manage to pack entire homes in just a day. I need those packing skills! Where do you go to school for that?

Because our garage tends to flood at certain times of the year, we needed to store all of our packed boxes in our apartment. That meant we had to shuffle things around to store the boxes and then later get to whatever we accidentally put behind the boxes, or find the one thing we should not have packed that is in the very bottom box. By the time we left, all of our boxes were stored in our middle bedroom, stacked to the ceiling. How did we manage to accumulate so much stuff in 3 years? Here are some pictures to commemorate our mess.

(That's the Cosby show, season 2 introduction on TV)

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