I must have a case of the pregnancy crazy forgetfulness, because today I washed a load of KB's nasty, smelly workout clothes and forgot to put detergent in the machine. They were hanging on our balcony for 4 hours drying, and every time I walked out to put in a new load of clothes they seemed to smell worse and worse. I thought the smell was from the dirty clothes waiting to be washed, but when I finally sniffed the hanging clothes I did not even get a whiff of the lovely laundry detergent that makes me feel so nauseous sometimes. I washed them again, this time with laundry detergent, and now they are drying and not smelling like sweat.
Dr. Pepper is wonderful. A friend carried a 6 pack for us on a bus for 11 hours last week. KB and I have been painfully sharing each can. I plan on getting one of those 48 packs of caffeine free Dr. Pepper the day after we step on US soil in two and a half months.
I cried three times while watching Princess Diaries 2 yesterday. KB saw and I was embarrassed.
AB has been a little helper recently. She knows liquid should be wiped up when it is on the floor, so she has begun to spit on the floor and grabs the kitchen towel to wipe it up. It is so helpful.
Although I thought the air conditioner units in this country and in the US were very different, they are more similar than I was lead to believe. It turns out the filters need cleaned or the air conditioners do not work properly. Imagine my embarrassment when the repairman show me my nasty filter last week. I could have avoided sleeping our sauna-like bedroom for the past two years. I also cannot believe how low a setting our air conditioner can be on and yet keep our room cool...I keep thinking about how much energy we wasted!
Tylenol does not work, and even if you did not get lovely pregnancy acne with the first baby, that does not mean you will not get it with the second baby.
We bought AB a little potty last week. It was the only training toilet that had a removable bowl for her to pee into. It is pink and has a splash guard for little boys (get it?). When you lift the lid there is a mommy bear and a baby bear dressed in pink. The mommy bear is wearing a hat with the highly political symbol on it. They start them young here.
Our bathroom smelled like sweet meat this morning.
I felt the baby kick for the first time yesterday. I think he/she has been moving for a while but it was the first time I was still long enough to feel it. They were not kidding about feeling the baby kick earlier the second time around. I start my second trimester tomorrow.
We are traveling next week, and we found an affordable hotel that has a swimming pool (hopefully clean swimming pool). I am beyond excited about this. We will also get our Mac fixed again (surprised?) and get to see a doctor that will give me an awesome sonogram. Kevin will even get to see the baby too.