Tuesday, December 16, 2008

On the road...In the sky again

On Sunday we received a phone call telling us that the powers at be are not satisfied with LB having a C-Section due to her heart condition.  Therefore we were told to pack up and fly to Bangkok.  KB received the call, and LB sat beside him laughing at the fact that we are traveling again (our 9th change in travel plans).  We had settled into Chiang Mai and had begun to really enjoy being there.   However, we were there for the purpose of delivering our baby, so we should go to wherever we will be the best taken care of.  So this morning we boarded Thai Airways from Chiang Mai to Bangkok.  It was an easy uneventful flight, and we were just grateful they let LB on the plane and that we did not get charged any overweight luggage fees.

LB is at 36 weeks and she is regularly feeling contractions.  We are on standby for a doctor's appointment on Thursday, and we are hoping to get in to see a doctor soon.  We are hoping that by being at one of the best hospitals in all of Asia she will be able to avoid having a C-Section or at least feel that that decision was made by the best possible doctor. 

We will keep you all updated on everything.  There is really no chance of us leaving Bangkok sine LB cannot fly more than an hour at a time.  So, this is our final destination for the birth of our little girl.

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