Wednesday, May 30, 2007


We finally moved out of our little townhouse yesterday. Apparently we collected a lot more "stuff" than we ever imagined. It took 2 Tahoes, 1 trailer, 3 truck beds, 1 Escape, and one Jetta to empty our place. We now realize it would have been a lot easier to have just rented a Uhaul! We ended up throwing away a lot of good items, but we were able to give away some as well. Fortunately family and friends helped out, becuase we would have never gotten out if they had not.

We will continue to update this blog, but if you would like to receive a newsletter that we will send out monthly (probably starting in late July), please e-mail your name to our new e-mail address - If you know someone who would like to be on our list, please have them e-mail their name to and we will add them to the list. Also, please do not send us any forwards, and please do not add our e-mail address to any mass e-mails or newsletters that you might think we would like. We do love personal e-mails though.
We love you all and hope to hear from you soon! K & L

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Moving Away

We are currently packing and preparing to move out of our first home as a married couple. K is finishing up his first year as a teacher, and L is finishing her last week at work. We are both excited about this change, but it comes with apprehension as we entering into a very unfamiliar area of our lives. For anyone who does read these, we will try to post photos and new messages every week or so.